
Data Analysis, BI and Datawarehouse

Analysis, design, implementation and operation of Data Warehouse, which are applied in the preparations of reports and data analysi and are considered a fundamental component of Bussiness intelligence. Furthermore, it’s about a full case file of the organization, beyond transactional and operational information, creating a database design to favor the eficient analysis and communication of data (Specially OLAP, On-Line Analytical Processing).

Data Storage responds to the needs of advanced users, using Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Executive information system (EIS) to facilitate consultation and reports. End users can more easily consult about their data warehouses without meddling or interferring with the system operations


  • Easier implementation of support systems like trend reports and exception reports.
  • Data warehouses can operate together, thus increasing the operational value of corporate applications, specially the management of client relationships.
  • Multiple system data integration. Important to keep track of all data from a single point, specially important for enterprises that have grown through mergers.

  • Reestructuring of data architecture to facilitate understanding for bussiness users
  • Increased value to commercial operation applications, especially around customer relationship management (CRM).